Thursday, February 21, 2008

Moon Base 1!!

I hope everyone got to see the full lunar eclipse last nite, since the next one isn't going to happen until 2010 and we all know by that time we'll be able to zoom in on the surface of the moon with our bionic eyes, so it just won't be the same. I shivered with one of my roommates on my fire escape to watch it, and now I'm paying for it today with elevated mucus levels.

Speaking of 2010 and the moon, did anyone read any articles about the governments program to install a cellular phone array on the moon? It is due to be launched after 2012 for the moon base on the south pole of the big cheese, which will be completed by 2020.

Granted, it won't be all sunshine because all moon users will be limited by slow enough uplink and downlink data transfer speeds that the best they could probably do is tether their phones to their laptops and sit in lunar mIRC chat rooms talking about how dark or light their side of the moon is.

"Zomg, 0ur m0on is to7al1y teh d4rkZorz!!1"

"Liez!! Hay!1 why w3 usE Windoze Vi5ta??! LoL!"

I predict by that time the space colonies of the moon will have created giant robots out of a rare metal alloy call Gundanium that will be piloted by young orphaned boys, in an eventual yet successful attempt to revolt against the overbearing and controlling earth colonies.

Above is an artist's rendering of what a Gundanium-based robot might look like

The earth colonies will most likely respond with missiles shot from boats off the coast of Hawaii, much like the one used to shoot down a defunct spy satellite just yesterday, (Watch the incredible video Here) only the missiles will obviously be more advanced and probably use a mixed combination of cold fusion, superconductors, dilithium crystals, and/or perpetual motion. (Go Science!)

Due to all these scientifically and empirically-based predictions, my advice is to live on the moon as soon as you can, because we all know that robots beat missles.

  posted by Atlas at 12:16 PM
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